
Sales Consultant Contract Sample

on Uncategorized by Giken

A sales consultant contract is essential for any business looking to hire a sales consultant. It lays out the terms and expectations of the relationship between the consultant and the business, ensuring both parties are aware of their responsibilities. Here is a sample sales consultant contract to help guide you through the process.

Section 1: Scope of Work

This section outlines the services the consultant is expected to perform, such as developing and executing sales strategies and generating leads. It also includes the time frame for the project and any relevant milestones.

Section 2: Compensation

This section outlines the consultant’s compensation, including their fee, payment schedule, and any additional expenses they may incur while working for the business.

Section 3: Confidentiality

This section outlines the consultant’s obligations to maintain confidentiality and protect the business’s proprietary information. It also includes any non-disclosure agreements the consultant may be required to sign.

Section 4: Termination

This section outlines the circumstances under which the contract may be terminated, including breaches of confidentiality, failure to perform the required services, or any other reasons agreed upon by both parties.

Section 5: Intellectual Property

This section outlines the ownership of any intellectual property created by the consultant during the course of the project. It also includes any licenses or permissions the consultant requires to use the business’s intellectual property.

Section 6: Indemnification

This section outlines the consultant’s obligation to indemnify and defend the business against any claims arising from the consultant’s performance of services.

Section 7: Governing Law

This section outlines the law governing the contract and any disputes that may arise between the consultant and the business.

Section 8: Notices

This section outlines the method and address for sending any notices required under the contract.

Section 9: Entire Agreement

This section states that the contract represents the entire understanding between the consultant and the business and supersedes any other agreements or understandings, whether written or oral.


A sales consultant contract is an essential tool for any business looking to hire a sales consultant. It ensures that both parties are aware of their obligations and expectations, and helps protect the business’s interests. Use the above sample as a guide to help you create your own contract that works best for your business.



